Basically i have done doing the research about illusion in architecture and categories it in few type..
But now my problem is there are lack of some standing point of me to the tittle. As my 1st proposal for learning agreement i state that my aim is to determine methods of illusions utilized in architecture and how it affect to architecture design. By that my objective is
>To understand the essential trick or theory
of optical illusion.
>To examine the potential uses of optical
illusion in contemporary design.
>To investigate the impact of different
element of illusions methods bring to architecture.
what should i improve to make my statement stronger?
In another hand, there is another new optional for student to choose what format to present the research project whether in a traditional writing formal or a design based project.
Lecturer have suggestion for me to try out the design based project as my tittle is illusion in architecture, there is more easy to present and make people easy understanding in a installation art or other media rather then a writing format.
I appreciate and agree to the suggestion... but some how i have my consideration. Cause this is a very new format to the subject... there is no other senior work that can let me to have a reference..
I have a very rough idea to present the tittle through installation art. First, i can use some trick of illusion to make a small space look bigger than what it is, for example by using mirror. But the cost to spend also a consideration for me... there might be a lot of mirror needed to present the work and it will be cost a lot to done the work.
Or is that i can do the space in a smaller scale model? or through 3D software? I need a long discussion before decided which method to present my research project...
Your introduction shows that you are very interested and excited about this topic and I am sure, despite your doubts, you can achieve something quite remarkable, especially if you decide to set up an installation. The installation will be a good way to prove your finding in your research. If you are focusing on how illusion in interior spaces can affect users, capturing the response from the public to your installation will be the evidence that you need. But you must first decide what effects to focus on i.e. how illusion in space can create a sense of wonder and excitement to the users - and how that, in turn, will benefit the interior design.