Tuesday, 19 November 2013



The trend of modernist design has been with us for a while now. The rise of modernism can be trace to the late 1800s and the early 1900s where the Industrial Revolution happen. The availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, and sheet glass during the Industrial Revolution later on the introduction of the factory system and the machine, changed the whole appearance of the world and form a modernization society today. No matter where you are in the world, there is not hard to seek for modern architecture design. Does the common used of modernist design stand to better design or it just a fad that just flattening our designs for trend's sake?

Modern architecture is generally characterized by simplicity and clarity of forms without excess use of ornament. They embrace principle of "Form follow Function", which the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose. Besides, modern architecture often use of industrially-produced materials and they prefer to the adoption of the machine aesthetic. The publishes of Le Corbusier about " Mass-Produced Housing”, he stated that “Mass production demands a search for standards.  Standards lead to perfection.” He further express that the overall stylistic unity brought about by standardized building elements would not only be more economically viable, but would also lead to a more harmonious overall urban aesthetic.

We can determine the influences abrupt growing of mass production during Industrial Revolution lead to the change of masses' aesthetic judgements toward the buildings easily  by observe the buildings around the world. The formulating design element, imitate issues, mass production housing with the widespread of modernist design in worldwide make the buildings design consistency cause building lost identity itself.

Figure 1 shown New York City skyline.

Figure 2 shown Kuala Lumpur skyline.

Nevertheless, the busy life in the city, everyday people are repeating same work task, walking on the same street, seeing the same scenery and live within the same environment as well as consistent and monotonous modernist architectural design makes life even awfully dull.

Perhaps we should think of some way to improve our current environment, for example to implement illusion technique into architecture. Illusion in architecture gives people more independence from objective reality, to develop the imagination, thus the opportunity to think differently. The application of illusion trick in architecture impact occupant perception toward architecture, it gives people more independence from objective reality, to develop the imagination, thus the opportunity to think differently. In fact it have been intentionally incorporated as architectural elements since antiquity.  The combination of illusion element with architectural design been prove that very beneficial in user experience, enhancing architecture form and make design unique. By this approach we believe that the implement of illusion into architecture able to create more excitement to our life.

This is an interesting and weighty topic which certainly worth more attention and discuss by people. In this research project, a design based project will express in art installation format to prove that implement of illusion in architecture very beneficial in user experience for example illusion manipulated our perception which give us different experience in a space, beside illusion also help in make building design unique and more memorable, nevertheless, illusion in architecture also creating a sense of excitement to the space.  The installation of illusion will take place at KBU International College lobby, (further description will do after the instalaltion). In addition, a attachment of video to show how the installation of illusion implement to the site and from that we can observe the reaction and interaction of user toward the installation.

1 comment:

  1. The intro is OK but you need to emphasise a bit more on 'Modern Life and architecture'. You need to stress on the monotonous buildings and the sterile interior spaces. You can definitely include more images the sterile and boring modern interiors to help communicate your points. Your aims and objectives, as well as your research methodology needs a bit more elaboration. Start by making the rationale of your work clear and then proceed to talk about, in detail, the aims of your research. Your research methodology should indicate how you are going to find the information needed for your work.
